Laravel views
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Compatible with Table view, Grid view, List view

You can add features to filter the data in the view, when a filter is configured, a button is shown at the top right of the table displaying a dropdown with all the filers. Every filter is a PHP class where you can define the options to show and the query to be executed when the filter is enabled. The filters are registered on the view file and you can re-use them on different views.


Select filter

The most common filter, allows the user to choose an option from a dropdown menu.

Select filter

php artisan make:filter Filters/UsersActiveFilter

With this artisan command a UsersActiveFilter.php file will be created inside app/Filters directory, you can use any namespace you want. The class created has 2 methods, apply and options, with apply you can modify the current query with your own business logic for this filter, with the options method you can define the title and the values for each option, the keys in the arrey returned by the options method are the labels for the UI, the values are the potential values you will get when an options is selected.

class UsersActiveFilter extends Filter
     * Modify the current query when the filter is used
     * @param Builder $query Current query
     * @param $value Value selected by the user
     * @return Builder Query modified
    public function apply(Builder $query, $value, $request)
        return $query->where('active', $value);

     * Defines the title and value for each option
     * @return Array associative array with the title and values
    public function options()
        return [
            'Active' => 1,
            'Disabled' => 0,

The apply method receives the current $query, the $value selected by the user (defined in the options method) and the current $request, it should return the modified query

Boolean filter

This filter allows the user to choose multiple options from a list of input check boxes.

Boolean filter

php artisan make:filter Filters/UsersTypeFilter --type=boolean

Same as select filter, the boolean filter has 2 methods, apply and options, with the apply method you can modify the current query with your own business logic for this filter, and with the options method you can define the title and the value for each option.

class UsersTypeFilter extends BooleanFilter
     * Modify the current query when the filter is used
     * @param Builder $query Current query
     * @param Array $value Associative array with the boolean value for each of the options
     * @return Builder Query modified
    public function apply(Builder $query, $value, $request)
        // $value['admin'] = true/false
        if ($value['admin']) {
            $query->where('is_admin', true);
        // $value['writer'] = true/false
        if ($value['writer']) {
            $query->where('is_writer', true);
        return $query;

     * Defines the title and value for each option
     * @return Array associative array with the title and values
    public function options()
        return [
            'Administrator' => 'admin',
            'Writer' => 'writer',

In this case the apply() method receives the current $query and an associative array with the boolean value for each one of the options defined and the current $request, it should return the modified query.

Date filter

The date filter allows the user select the value by a date picker.

Date filter

php artisan make:filter Filters/CreatedFilter --type=date

The date filter only has the apply() method, with this method you can modify the current query with your own business logic for this filter.

class CreatedFilter extends DateFilter
     * Modify the current query when the filter is used
     * @param Builder $query Current query
     * @param Carbon $date Carbon instance with the date selected
     * @return Builder Query modified
    public function apply(Builder $query, Carbon $value, $request)
        // $query->where('', $value);

In this case the apply method receives the currenct $query and the value selected by the user, this value is a Carbon instance of the date, it should return the modified query.

Registering filters

Once you hace created your filter, you should register all the filters in your view defining a filters method returning an array with all the filters you want to use.

protected function filters()
    return [
        new UsersActiveFilter,
        new CreatedFilter,
        new UsersTypeFilter

Changing title

You can customize the title of the filter adding a public property $title with the title new title.

public $title =  "My custom title";