Laravel views
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Compatible with Table view, Grid view, List view, Detail view

Some of the views can perform actions to the data that is being displayed, whether indiviadually or to a set of items, each one of the action is a single PHP class where you can define the behavior, they are registered by each view and you can re-use them on different views.

Actions by item

Actions by item

php artisan make:action Actions/ActivateUserAction

With this artisan command, an ActivateUserAction.php file will be created inside the app/Actions directory, you can use any namespace you want. With this class you can customize how the action should behave, it has 2 public properties to customize the title and the icon, it is important to specify a valid Feather icon, the handle method receives the model corresponding to the row where the action was executed, and the current view where the action was executed from, you can write your own business logic inside this method.

The icon buttons in the table and detail view are responsive, the view will show a dropdown menu on small screens, this dropdown is the default behavior for grid and list view.

class ActivateUserAction extends Action
     * Any title you want to be displayed
     * @var String
     * */
    public $title = "Activate user";

     * This should be a valid Feather icon string
     * @var String
    public $icon = "unlock";

     * Execute the action when the user clicked on the button
     * @param $model Model object of the list where the user has clicked
     * @param $view Current view where the action was executed from
    public function handle($model, View $view)
        $model->active = true;

Bulk actions

Bulk actions

Adding the --bulk option to the make:action command will generate a bulk action file.

php artisan make:action Actions/ActivateUserAction --bulk

Bulk actions are executed on a set of items selected from the UI. If you register bulk actions in a view, a checkbox input will be displayed for each item to select or unselect it.

Unlike the actions by item, bulk actions get an array with the ID's of the selected items.

class ChangeUsersAsAdmin extends Action
    use Confirmable;

     * Any title you want to be displayed
     * @var String
     * */
    public $title = "Change as admin";

     * This should be a valid Feather icon string
     * @var String
    public $icon = "shield";

     * Execute the action when the user clicked on the button
     * @param Array $selectedModels Array with all the id of the selected models
     * @param $view Current view where the action was executed from
    public function handle($selectedModels, View $view)
            'type' => 'admin'

Note: Bulk actions are not compatible with the detail view since it has only one item

Registering actions

You can register all the actions you want in the TableView class defining a actionsByRow method with all the actions you want to use

/** For actions by item */
protected function actionsByRow()
    return [
        new ActivateUserAction,

/** For bulk actions */
protected function bulkActions()
    return [
        new ActivateUsersAction,

Note: To register actions in the detail view, yo should use the actions() method instead of the actionsByRow() method.

Showing feedback messages

To display a success alert message after an action is completed, you can execute the succes() method of the action at the end of the handle method, an alert message will be displayed at the top right of the screen, on small screens, the message will be displayed at the bottom.

public function handle($model, View $view)
    $model->active = true;


Success message

You can customize the message passing it as a param

$this->success('My custom message');

To display an error message just execute error instead of success


Error message

Hiding actions

You can choose if the action will be shown or hidden for an specific row defining a renderIf() method and returning a boolean value, if you don't define this method the action will be shown always.

public function renderIf($model, View $view)
    return !$model->active;

Confirmation message

Some actions might need to be confirmed before the its execution, just add the Confirmable trait.

use LaravelViews\Actions\Confirmable;

class ActivateUserAction extends Action
    use Confirmable;

Confirmation message

To customize the message just overwrite the getConfirmationMessage() method returning your custom message. You also have access to the model the action will be executed with.

public function getConfirmationMessage($item = null)
    return 'My custom confirmation message';

Redirect action

This package has a defined action to redirect the user to a named route related to your model, you can use it directly on the actionsByRow() method.

use LaravelViews\Actions\RedirectAction;

protected function actionsByRow()
    return [
        // Will redirect to `route('user', $user->id)`
        new RedirectAction('user', 'See user', 'eye'),

The first param is the name of the route to be redirected, it is important to be a named route, the RedirectAction will inject the model id to that route. This is great for CRUD modules.