Laravel views
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Table view

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This view creates a dynamic data table with some features like filters, pagination and search input, you can customize the headers, the data to be displayed for each row.

Create new table view

php artisan make:table-view UsersTableView

With this artisan command, a UsersTableView.php file will be created inside the app/Http/Livewire directory, with this class you can customize the behavior of the table view.

Defining initial data

The TableView class needs a model class to get the initial data to be displayed on the table, you can define it in the $model property.

use App\User;

protected $model = User::class;

If you need an specific query as initial data you can define a repository() method returning an Eloquent query with the initial data to be displayed on the table, it is important to return the query, not the data collection.

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

 * Sets a initial query with the data to fill the table
 * @return Builder Eloquent query
public function repository(): Builder
    return User::query();

If you define this method, the $model property is not needed anymore.


Returns an array with all the headers you need, the easiest way to define a header is using a string with the title.

public function headers(): array
    return ['Name', 'Email', 'Created', 'Updated'];

You could create a more complex header instead, so you can set a fixed width to the column, just use the Header facade instead of a string in the headers() method.

use LaravelViews\Facades\Header;

public function headers(): array
    return [


Returns an array with all the data you need for each row, this method receives an model instance for every row in the database according with the initial query and the filters activated. The easiest way to define the data is using a string value.

public function row($model)
    return [

Sorting data

As the table view uses headers, you can use the sortBy() method of the Header facade to set the header as sortable.

use LaravelViews\Facades\Header;

public function headers(): array
    return [

More features

In addition, this view supports more features like: Searching data, Pagination, Filters, Actions, Inline editing, and UI components